Customer Tags help you to group customers for various purposes, including handling targeted email campaigns and conducting mass changes to customers.
The following documentation provides instruction on how to create, manage and apply customer tags.
NOTE: If you are utilizing an e-commerce, accounting, or ERP system integration into EXEMPTAX, please contact support for Customer Tag inquiries as different system logic and customizations may apply. If you are utilizing our Customer Import function, you can insert Customer Tags directly into the file upload.
Please keep in mind that access to company settings might be restricted for some user roles; please contact your EXEMPTAX account owner to check if you have sufficient access rights to perform this function.
1. Select the icon "Company Settings" in your Dashboard.
2. In the Company Settings, navigate to the left menu "Exposure Management" (1), then select "Customer Tags" (2). From here you are able to view your current customer tags (3).
If you are setting up your first Customer Tags, proceed by clicking on the "Manage tags" (4) function.
FYI: In this example, we are creating a Customer Tag for VIP customers.
TIP: You can easily create Customer Tags directly in the Customer Tags pill box (3) by typing the Customer Tags description there.
3. Click on "Create Tags" (1) to setup your first Customer Tag.
4. Enter your "Tag Name" (1) and press "Save Tag" once done.
5. Your first Customer Tag is now created and visible in the pill box (1). You can easily maintain Customer Tags from here by pressing the "Manage tags" (2).
TIP: You can quickly create additional Customer Tags directly in the Customer Tags pill box (1) by typing the Customer Tags description there.
6. The "Manage tags" (1) function allows you to either create additional Customer Tags or edit existing Customer Tags.
FYI: In this example, we are attempting to edit the existing Customer Tag by pressing the "Edit" (2) function.
7. Navigate to to the "Tag Name" (1) and edit the existing Customer Tag accordingly. Please note, that special characters are generally not allowed for Customer Tag names.
TIP: In addition to editing Customer Tags, you can also delete Customer Tags by pressing the "Delete Tag" (2) button.
8. When finished setting up all Customer Tags, exit the Company Settings menu and return back to the main menu. From there, navigate to the "Customers" (1) menu on the left and choose the customer to whom you intend to apply an exisitng Customer Tag by clicking on the "Tag(s)" icon (2).
9. Here you an assign all existing Customer Tags to this particular customer by selecting the checkmark in the Tag dropdown (1). Press "Save" once done with your selection.
10. Alternatively, you can maintain Customer Tags directly in the customer master data by pressing the "Edit" (1) button in the cutomer record.
11. Once in the customer master record, navigate to the "Customer Tags" (1) section and select existing Customer Tags.