Your Chargebee account can be integrated into EXEMPTAX using multiple methods. Please note that integration between systems is only available on select plans. In this article we will focus on integration using the Chargebee API. To connect the platforms, you may do so using the steps outlined below: 

1. Once logged into the administration portal of your Chargebee platform, navigate to "Configure Chargebee"
on the main navigation menu, scroll down toAPI Keys and Webhooks”, click on the “API” section, and then click on the “Add API Key button.

2. You will then arrive at the Create an API Key screen. On this screen please go ahead and name your API (in this example we're using "EXEMPTAX"), and assign the following permissions of All using a Full-Access Key. Once done, click on the "Create Key" button on the top right of the modal.

3. After creating the API Key, you will need to navigate to the Webhooks section, and then click on "Add Webhook" button using the steps outlined below. 

4. You will then arrive at the Create a Webhook screen where you will need to select and enter information provided by your EXEMPTAX representative for the fields marked in X and in red below:

  • Webhook Name
  • Webhook URL
  • Username 
  • Password
  • Events to Send

Please note that depending on your desired EXEMPTAX configuration and automation settings, settings may vary across accounts. For specific inquiries, please contact EXEMPTAX support.

5. Once done entering the information above, you will need to click on the "Create" button outlined in the top right of the modal to save the Webhook. After saving the Webhook you may test the it clicking on the "Test Webhook" available in the Webhooks section.

6. Once the link is clicked you may test the Webhook using the "Customer Created" event and clicking on the "Test URL" button. A sample successful test with redacted results for reference is outlined below.