It is important to keep your account secure and we strongly recommend following standard security guidelines by using a strong password, changing your passwords regularly and enabling 2 Factor Authentication (2FA) on your account.
The following documentation provides instructions on how to keep your account secure.
1. On the top right header, click the "User" button and select "Profile"
2. In the "User Profile" setting click the "Security" link on the left menu and select tab "Password" to change your current password. You can then enter your current and newly selected passwords before pressing the "Save" button.
3. To enable 2FA, go to the second tab and press "Two Factor Authentication". Then switch the toggle for the "Authentication Status" to the "On" position and enter your cell phone number to receive your 2FA authentication codes.
4. Once done, you will be prompted to select whether to receive your 2FA codes via text or voice message. Make your selection and press the "Next" button
5. As soon as you receive your 2FA code, enter the code in the temporary identification code field and reconfirm your password before pressing Save.
NOTE: Your account is now setup for 2FA and will prompt you to enter your 2FA code every time you are attempting to log into your account. If you want to disable 2FA in the future, simply disable the "Authentication Status" to "Off " (see step 3 above).