If you utilize our CertDash platform to receive your tax certificates from your customers electronically, then most certificates you will receive are guaranteed to be fully completed and signed. 

Please check our CertDash documentation to the advantages of CertDash to you and your purchasers. 

For those certificates, which are being uploaded manually by you or your customers, simply process the data on the uploaded certificate into EXEMPTAX and our validation engine decides if that particular exemption certificate is valid or invalid.

Please keep in mind that access to certificate processing might be restricted for some user roles; please contact your EXEMPTAX account owner to check if you have sufficient access rights to perform this function.


The following documentation outlines how you can validate uploaded tax certificates.

1. Select "Queues" (1) in the menu bar. From there you can select the certificate you want to validate by clicking the "Cert ID" (2) button. 

2. You will be prompted to enter data in the "Classification" (1) step to assign the Jurisdiction (2), the tax form (3), and corresponding Customer (4). Once done, press the "Continue" (5) button.

TIP: If you utilize CertDash for your certificates, then the entire classification is automatically assigned for you.

3. During the step "Validation" (1), you can enter data from the uploaded certificate on the right screen (2) into the appropriate data fields. Once done, hit the "Continue" (3) button to proceed. 

TIP: Every CertDash certificate automatically inserts all fields into EXEMPTAX for you.

4. If a particular form requires further checks, then you will be prompted to complete the step "Authentication" (1). Simply follow the instruction:

  • Press the link to the state website (2)
  • Authenticate the data on the form against the state website provided portal (3)

Once done, press on "Authentication" (4) to finalize the validation process.

NOTE: Authentication processes are optional, and you can choose whether to utilize this service by activating or deactivating authentication rules.

5. Once done, your validation rules will determine if your certificate has been successfully processed.