If an uploaded document in your queue is illegible, you can reject the document directly at the beginning of your validation process to save time and hassle.
Please keep in mind that access to certificate processing might be restricted for some user roles; please contact your EXEMPTAX account owner to check if you have sufficient access rights to perform this function.
The following documentation outlines how you can reject a certificate.
1. Go to "Queues" (1) and select the "Cert ID" (2) of the certificate you want to process.
1. Proceed to "Classification" (1). From there, you have the option to reject this certificate by pressing the "Reject" (2) button.
TIP: To avoid issues of poorly scanned forms and deciphering handwritten documents, we recommend using CertDash, which ensures that most forms are properly filled out, making the entire process easier for you and your buyers.
2. Continue by adding a "Rejection Note" (1) for reference before pressing the "Reject Certificate" (2) button to finalize the process.