Certificate expiration periods are important as they define the time frame EXEMPTAX utilizes to alert you of expiring certificates. The default certificate expiration period is set to 30 days. However, you can modify and customize your certificate expiration period accordingly up to a maximum of 180 days.

The following documentation provides instructions on how to modify your certificate expiration period. 


Please keep in mind that access to the "Settings" area might be restricted for some user roles; please contact your EXEMPTAX account owner to check if you have sufficient access rights to perform this function.

1. On the header row, select the "Settings" icon. 

TIP: You can always see the current expiration period in your "Exposure Overview" under the "Expiring" function.

2. Once in the "Settings", go to "Exposure Management" on the left menu bar to view the setting for your expiring documents in days. 

NOTE: The expiration period is set to read-only and requires a ticket for modification. Please note that changes to the expiration period has impact to your exposure before requesting to change this setting. 

3. To enter a ticket, press the "Support" link on the left menu and fill out the "Contact Us" form as a new incident.

4. Our service team will quickly attend to your incident report and will change your expiration period in accordance with your request.

TIP: Once your expiration period is updated, you will receive a confirmation email and you can immediately view your updated expiration period in your Exposure View.