From time to time, you may come across scenarios where your customers provide you with outdated documents. 

While EXEMPTAX provides a library with up-to-date forms, we do maintain certain legacy forms as well.

By using a sample SST form, we will walk you through potential ways to address such a scenario.

TIP: View documentation How do I validate manually uploaded tax certificates to see all necessary steps to validate a certificate.

1. First, navigate to "Classification" (1) and select the desired "Jurisdiction" (2). Since SST forms are applicable across multiple jurisdictions, select "SST - Streamlined Sales Tax" here instead of an actual state.

You will then be presented with all available forms (3) for that selected jurisdiction. In this example, you can choose between various legacy forms. 

TIP: If you do not find a supported legacy form available, you may also process an unsupported form at your own discretion by following the Custom Form process. 

2. Ensure to reconcile that you do have selected the correct form (1) revision. 

TIP: Click on the Form Tooltip (2) to access a snipped of the selected form and revision naming. You can easily determine if your selected form does indeed correspond with the form provided by your purchaser.

3. After you have entered all three selections of "Jurisdiction" (1), "Form" (2), and "Customer" (3) you can then press "Continue" (4) to proceed with all remaining steps of your validation process.

INFO: View documentation How do I validate manually uploaded tax certificates to see all necessary steps to validate a certificate.