Some states and local jurisdictions require that the seller provides a tax registration number to certain tax exemption documents. 

Since most purchasers would not have these seller tax registration details readily available, you as the seller can proactively maintain your seller related tax registration number directly in EXEMPTAX to provide a better purchaser experience.

Once added to EXEMPTAX, your seller tax registration numbers will then automatically be pre-populated into exemption documents created through CertDash ready for your purchaser to consume on the fly.

The following documentation provides instruction on how to add and maintain seller related tax registration numbers per relevant states in EXEMPTAX.

TIP: Also check our documentation on how to add EIN details to exemption documents.

Please keep in mind that access to Company Settings might be restricted for some user roles; please contact your EXEMPTAX account owner to check if you have sufficient access rights to perform this function.

1. First, press on the "Company Settings" icon (1) in the menu bar. 

2. Once in the "Company Settings" (1), go to menu "Profile" (2), then tab "Tax Registration" (3). From here you will see the all currently active "Jurisdiction" (4), the toggle "Actively Registered" (5), and the "Value" (6) field.

Enter your seller tax registration number into the "Value" (6) field and switch the "Actively Registered" (5) toggle to "Yes". 

This will then automatically populate your seller related tax registration number on all CertDash exemption documents as outlined in the sample Step 3 below.

BONUS TIP: Some exemption documents also require the seller EIN details. Ensure to fill out your optional EIN under "Company Settings" (1), "Profile" (2), "Company Info" (3), "EIN" (4). Don't forget to hit the save changes button once done.

INFO: More detailed instructions on EIN settings, can be found here

3. After you have successfully entered your seller related tax registration number (2) and/or your EIN (3) details, your purchaser will then see these information as pre-populated entries imbedded in the CertDash workflow process.