When sending out email campaign’s to your purchasers requesting tax exemption certificates, it is strongly advised to use your own email domain instead of the default email domain exemptax.com.

You and your purchasers are aware of sales transactions between each other. Therefore, any email communication regarding tax exemption certificates sent directly from your email domain will likely be responded to faster, which will ultimately provide for a better overall customer experience.

The following documentation provides instructions on how to add your own email domain in EXEMPTAX for email campaign submission purposes.

In case your current subscription does not include the option to submit email campaigns through your own email domain, then please get in touch with your account manager or raise a support ticket to discuss your options. 

Please keep in mind that access to Company Settings might be restricted for some user roles; please contact your EXEMPTAX account owner to check if you have sufficient access rights to perform this function.

1. First, press on the "Company Settings" icon (1) in the menu bar. 

2. Once in the "Company Settings" (1), go to menu "Campaign Settings" (2), then tab "Custom Domains" (3). From here you can maintain your domain by pressing on the "Add Domain" (4) button. 

3. After pressing the "Add Domain" button, you can enter "Your domain name" (1) into the popup window to connect your domain.

4. Once you have successfully added your desired domain, you will see your "Domain" (1) and can now proceed to enter desired details for the "Send From Email" (2) and "Send From Name" (3).

TIP: the "Send From Email" (2) details will be used as part of the sending email address as outlined below in Step 7 while the "Send From Name" (3) will display the senders name (see Step 7 below).

INFO: By pressing the 3 dots menu (1), you can easily test sending of emails (2), show DNS configuration (2) and remove domains (2) 

5. In order to have the domain Status show "Sending - default" (meaning your domain has been properly added), you'll want to click on the "Show DNS Configuration" (1) in order to get the necessary domain records, you'll need to to your respective email system, so that our system can send emails using your company's domain.

6. Once in the menu, you'll then want to copy and paste the values into your respective email system. Please review and verify that all necessary values (1) are copied correctly.

7.  If everything looks good, you can then easily test your domain configuration by pressing the option "Send Test Email" as outlined in Step 4 above. 

All domain settings will be reflected in outgoing email campaigns to your purchasers accordingly.

Note: Not all email providers will process changes in real time. It may take up to 72 hours for DNS record changes to propagate across the internet.